Spojrzałam na kartki, które wyciągnęłam dziś ze skrzynki i moja pierwsza myśl była taka: oto przepis na perfekcyjny sierpniowy dzień!
// I looked at cards, which I received today and my first thought was: it's a recipe for a perfect August day!

// The morning in the privacy of stylish room with interesting book in hands and beautiful view out the window... The photo is titled A day in August, so it's present, from few days we can enjoy this summer month. I received this card from Anke from Germany.

// Temperature outside is reaching almost 40°C, it's absolutely too high. Supposedly today is the hottest day in the year! How nice it would be to spend it in swimming pool filled with refreshing, cooling water... This tempting offer appears on the card from Anna from Russia.
Wow, ale ładne :) Kolekcja wzbogaca się o nowe perełki :) Gratuluję :D