// On the card you can see the photo, which could be found a moment ago in your grandma's album. A little girl from a bygone era is looking off into the distance, hypnotizing with her so blue eyes. Have you ever wondered, what is the phenomenon of children's gaze? Anthony de Mello says, that: The first quality that strikes one when one looks into the eyes of a child is its innocence, its lovely inability to lie or wear a mask or pretend to be anything other than what it is. I could agree with him. Postcard from Laura from Finland.
Do pocztówki dołączone były fińskie znaczki:
// Finnish stamps:
Na kopercie zabawa w chowanego z kompanami z Madagaskaru i dostojny Sauli Niinistö - obecny prezydent Finlandii.
// On the envelope hide-and-seek with friends from Madagascar and dignified Sauli Niinistö - current President of Finland.
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